qterminal-2.0.1-alt1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/qterminal-drop.desktop: warning: value "Rozwijany emulator terminala" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pl]"; qterminal.desktop: warning: value "????? ?????" for key "Comment[ar]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ar]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "QTerminal" for key "Comment[bg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "Name[bg]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[ca]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ca]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emul?tor termin?lu" for key "Comment[cs]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[cs]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalemulator" for key "Comment[da]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[da]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???????????? ??????????" for key "Comment[el]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[el]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal emulator" for key "Comment[en_GB]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[en_GB]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Fina emulilo" for key "Comment[eo]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[eo]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[es]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[es]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminaliemulaator" for key "Comment[et]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[et]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???? ??? ???????" for key "Comment[fa]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[fa]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "P??te-emulaattori" for key "Comment[fi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[fi]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???? ????" for key "Comment[he]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[he]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "??????? ???????" for key "Comment[hi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[hi]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator terminala" for key "Comment[hr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[hr]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Termin?l emul?tor" for key "Comment[hu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[hu]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator terminal" for key "Comment[id]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[id]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulatore di terminale" for key "Comment[it]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[it]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???????????????????" for key "Comment[km]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[km]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "??? ?????" for key "Comment[ko]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ko]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Puloguramu ey'ekiwandikiro" for key "Comment[lg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[lg]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalo emuliatorius" for key "Comment[lt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[lt]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalemulator" for key "Comment[nb]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[nb]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "?????" for key "Comment[nds]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[nds]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalemulator" for key "Comment[nl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[nl]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator de terminal" for key "Comment[oc]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[oc]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "?????? ???????" for key "Comment[pa]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pa]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator terminala" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pl]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[pt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pt]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[pt_BR]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pt_BR]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[ru]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ru]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Emul?tor termin?lu" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[sk]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalski emulator" for key "Comment[sl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[sl]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalemulator" for key "Comment[sv]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[sv]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "U?birim ?yk?n?c?s?" for key "Comment[tr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[tr]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[uk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[uk]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal emulyatori" for key "Comment[uz]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[uz]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "?????" for key "Comment[zh_CN]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[zh_CN]"; /usr/share/applications/qterminal.desktop: warning: value "??????" for key "Comment[zh_TW]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[zh_TW]";