pavucontrol-qt-2.0.0-alt1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: hint: value "Qt;AudioVideo;Audio;Settings;DesktopSettings;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Adjust volume levels and select audio devices" for key "Comment" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "??? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ?????" for key "Comment[ar]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ar]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "?????????? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ? ????? ?? ????? ??????????" for key "Comment[bg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[bg]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Ajusta els nivells de volum i selecciona dispositius d'?udio" for key "Comment[ca]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ca]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Juster lydstyrken og v?lg lydenheder" for key "Comment[da]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[da]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Lautst?rkepegel anpassen und Audioger?te ausw?hlen" for key "Comment[de]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[de]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "??????? ??? ???????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????? ????" for key "Comment[el]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[el]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Ajustar los niveles de volumen y seleccionar los dispositivos de audio" for key "Comment[es]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[es]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "S??d? ??nenvoimakkuuta ja valitse ??nilaitteet" for key "Comment[fi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[fi]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "R?gler les niveaux de volume et s?lectionner les p?riph?riques audio" for key "Comment[fr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[fr]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Axusta os niveis de volume e selecciona dispositivos de audio" for key "Comment[gl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[gl]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ???" for key "Comment[he]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[he]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Prilagodi razine glasno?e i odaberi audio ure?aje" for key "Comment[hr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[hr]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Regola i livelli del volume e seleziona i dispositivi audio" for key "Comment[it]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[it]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "????? ???????? ????????, ????? ???????????? ????????" for key "Comment[kk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[kk]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "?? ?? ?? ? ??? ?? ????" for key "Comment[ko]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ko]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Teekateeka butumbifu bw'eddoboozi era tegeka ebyuma ebirikolako" for key "Comment[lg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[lg]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Reguliuoti garsio lygius ir pasirinkti garso ?renginius" for key "Comment[lt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[lt]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Juster lydstyrke og velg lydenheter" for key "Comment[nb_NO]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[nb_NO]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Pas volumeniveaus aan en schakel tussen audio-apparaten" for key "Comment[nl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[nl]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Dostosuj poziomy g?o?no?ci i wybierz urz?dzenia audio" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pl]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Ajustar os n?veis de volume e selecionar dispositivos de ?udio" for key "Comment[pt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[pt]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "????????????? ??????? ????????? ? ???????? ???????????????" for key "Comment[ru]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[ru]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Upravi? ?rove? hlasitosti a vybra? zvukov? zariadenia" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[sk]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "Ses seviyelerini ayarlay?n ve ses cihazlar?n? se?in" for key "Comment[tr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[tr]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "??????????? ????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????????????" for key "Comment[uk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[uk]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "?i?u ch?nh ?m l??ng v? ch?n thi?t b? ?m thanh" for key "Comment[vi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[vi]"; /usr/share/applications/pavucontrol-qt.desktop: warning: value "???????????" for key "Comment[zh_TW]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks the same as that of key "GenericName[zh_TW]";