dnsmasq-2.90-alt4.x86_64 file-in-usr-marked-as-conffile warn Files below /usr may not be marked as conffiles, since; /usr might be mounted read-only and thus, the local system; administrator would not have a chance to modify this configuration; file.; ; dnsmasq-2.90-alt4.x86_64 init-lsb fail /etc/rc.d/init.d/dnsmasq: not systemd compatible: lsb init header missing and dnsmasq.service is not present. See http://www.altlinux.org/Services_Policy for details.; dnsmasq-2.90-alt4.x86_64 rpm-filesystem-conflict-dir-file-or-symlink fail file or symlink /etc/dnsmasq.d is a directory in package pi-hole-5.18.4-alt3.noarch. Moreover, the packages have no explicit conflicts on each other. It is very bad, because simultaneous installaion of those packages, if not prevented by file conflicts, can produce uninspected results. You should add explicit conflicts, or, if conflicts are avoidable, consider using alternatives.; dnsmasq-2.90-alt4.x86_64 rpm-filesystem-conflict-file-file warn File /etc/dnsmasq.conf conflicts with the package pi-hole-5.18.4-alt3.noarch. Moreover, the packages have no explicit conflicts with each other. You should add explicit conflicts, or, if conflicts are avoidable, consider using alternatives.;