deadbeef-1.9.6-alt2.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/deadbeef.desktop: error: value "Play;Pause;Toggle Pause;Stop;Next;Prev;" for key "Actions" in group "Desktop Entry" contains invalid action identifier "Toggle Pause", only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed; /usr/share/applications/deadbeef.desktop: error: file contains group "Desktop Action Toggle Pause", which has an invalid action identifier, only alphanumeric characters and '-' are allowed; /usr/share/applications/deadbeef.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Next" exists, but there is no matching action "Next"; /usr/share/applications/deadbeef.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Stop" exists, but there is no matching action "Stop"; /usr/share/applications/deadbeef.desktop: error: action group "Desktop Action Prev" exists, but there is no matching action "Prev";